The world's cutest Gringa Flan Fan?
Little Miss Lidia makes a strong case for being the World’s Cutest Flan Fan!
See Lidia thank Gringa Flan.
Isn’t she precious?
We can’t stop watching these videos, because it’s not just about making flan for us. It’s about seeing these priceless expressions of delight from our customers: the sweet innocence of children, grown-ups closing their eyes to savor sweet memories of loved ones past, eyes wide with surprise, smiles beaming, even the dancing!
Yes, it’s a well-known fact that Gringa Flan makes some people—boogie.
It all warms the cockles of our hearts.
So thank you Miss Lidia. And Nathalie (Miss Lidia’s mom).
Thank you for making us smile!
Love you both!